
Date: 24/04/2023

Subject: Rejection of Subsidy Model on Lifestyle Products and Services by Awadh India Crafts (AIC)

Dear Valued Customers and Social Volunteers,

We hope this notice finds you in good health and high spirits. We wish to inform all our esteemed customers and Social Volunteers that Awadh India Crafts (AIC) has made a significant decision regarding the subsidy model for lifestyle products and services provided by the Government of India.

After thoughtful consideration and thorough evaluation, we regret to announce that Awadh India Crafts (AIC) has decided to reject the proposed subsidy model without any further discussion. This decision has been taken after careful analysis of the potential impacts and feasibility of implementing the proposed subsidy structure.

At Awadh India Crafts (AIC), we deeply value the Government of India’s initiatives to promote the accessibility of lifestyle products and services through the proposed subsidy model. However, several critical factors have been taken into account in reaching this decision:

Sustainable Growth: The proposed subsidy model, as presented, lacks a clear and sustainable growth plan, which is essential for the long-term success of our organization and the sector as a whole.

Market Dynamics: We are concerned about the potential disruption the subsidy model could cause to the market dynamics of lifestyle products and services, which may adversely affect both consumers and industry Social Volunteers.

Resource Allocation: In the current economic climate, we believe that prudent allocation of resources is necessary to ensure stability and continued growth in our industry.

Customer Experience: We are committed to delivering the best possible experience to our valued customers, and after careful consideration, we believe that the proposed subsidy model might not align with their expectations.

While the decision to reject the subsidy model has been made without further discussion, Awadh India Crafts (AIC) remains dedicated to working without the Government of India in exploring alternative mechanisms to make lifestyle products and services more accessible to all segments of society.

We understand that this decision may generate questions among various Social Volunteers. Awadh India Crafts (AIC) is always open to transparent communication, and we encourage an open dialogue to address any concerns or suggestions related to this matter.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our customers, employees, and partners for their continued support and understanding. Together, we shall continue to uphold the values of quality, craftsmanship, and inclusivity that Awadh India Crafts (AIC) stands for.

For any further information or inquiries, please feel free to contact our customer service team at

Thank you.


A L Gupta


Awadh India Crafts (AIC)